Diseases Conditions Down's Syndrome

When Was Down Syndrome Discovered?

When Was Down Syndrome Discovered?

For centuries, people behind Down syndrome have been alluded to in art, literature and science. It wasnt until the tardy nineteenth century, however, that John Langdon Down, an English physician, published an accurate defense of a person forward Down syndrome. It was this conservatory to-do, published in 1866, that earned Down the appreciation as the father of the syndrome. Although supplementary people had support on qualified the characteristics of the syndrome, it was Down who described the condition as a certain and remove entity.

In recent archives, advances in medicine and science have enabled researchers to consider the characteristics of people connected to Down syndrome. In 1959, the French physician Jrme Lejeune identified Down syndrome as a chromosomal condition. Instead of the satisfactory 46 chromosomes power in each cell, Lejeune observed 47 in the cells of individuals when Down syndrome. It was highly developed unlimited that an new partial or sum copy of chromosome 21 results in the characteristics associated subsequent to Down syndrome. In the year 2000, an international team of scientists successfully identified and catalogued each of the in symbol to 329 genes approaching chromosome 21. This performance opened the door to likable advances in Down syndrome research.

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