How Dementia Causes Death
July 15, 2018 2023-12-21 10:30How Dementia Causes Death
How Dementia Causes Death
With the impaired attainment to impinge on, a person in the late-stage of dementia is at risk for a number of medicalcomplicationstaking into account aninfectionof the urinary tractand pneumonia (an infection of the lung). Difficulty swallowing, eating and drinking leads to weight loss, dehydration, and malnutrition which auxiliary increases their vulnerability to infection.
In the halt, most people considering late-stage dementia die of a medical complication related to their underlying dementia. For instance, a person may die from an infection as well as strive for pneumonia, which occurs for that defense of swallowing difficulties, or a person may die from a blood clot in the lung hence of being immobile and bedbound.
However, it’s important to note that dementia itself is fatal. At period this is consequently listed as the cause of death approaching a death authorize, as late-stage dementia is a terminal sickness.
The earsplitting portray here is that even though a person considering than fade away-stage dementia may technically die from an infection or new medical complication, it is their immediate dementia that predisposed them to that complication and made them too lackluster to broil it off.
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