Fibromyalgia Relief Programme

Fibromyalgia Relief Programme

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Fibromyalgia Open Day at Royal Garden Hotel will have comprehensive services for Fibromyalgia.

There will be 2 Fibromyalgia  training sessions 9-10 am and another 1-2 pm.  

This will be free for all to attend for to all fibromyalgia patients and their families.

There will be 4 parts to it, first 3 talks roughly 10 minutes each – Dr Rajeev Gupta  – introduction of Fibromyalgia services, symptoms, cause and pathogenesis of Fibromyalgia. Dr Rubina Ahmed – different modalities of the management of Fibromyalgia. Dr Bala – Mind over body & psychological factors for Fibromyalgia.

Then there will be 30 minutes question answers and patients based facilitation of group discussion on fibromyalgia. The same will be repeated in 1-2 pm open fibro training.


For those who want 1:1 consultation with Fibromyalgia Specialists, there will be clinics running , the appointments need to be pre-booked as far early as possible. No guarantee for a free slot on the day.

Fibro Coaching sessions can be booked according to the convenience of patients and their families.

The Fibro Coaching sessions all day for the consultation and for taking Fibro Full Package, will get accessories like Fibromyalgia bracelet, supplements, work book etc.

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Fibromyalgia, also called fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS), is a long-term condition that causes pain all over the body. As well as widespread pain, people with fibromyalgia may also have: increased sensitivity to pain. fatigue (extreme tiredness) muscle stiffness.

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