Buying And Storing Essential Oils

Buying And Storing Essential Oils

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Buying And Storing Essential Oils

When purchasing essential oils, you must treat them as you would your favourite perfume or cologne. Store them in a cool, dark place. This action will help to reduce the risk of the oils breaking down as result of exposure to heat and sunlight.

While you may be tempted to purchase your oils online, take some time to research the seller. Not all essential oil brands are of high quality. Some products are of poor quality and will not provide you with the desired therapeutic value of the finest oils.

Grades Of Essential Oils

There are four grades of essential oils.

Grade A: Therapeutic Grade Oils

Grade A essential oils are of therapeutic grade. They are organically grown, steam distilled, unadulterated, and safe for internal use. It is important to note that there are those who deem the use of the term therapeutic as being a “made-up” term because no governmental agency certifies an oil as being therapeutic.

While no governmental agency certifies these oils, there is a plethora of scientific research that supports the value essentail oils have for health and wellness.

For an oil to be therapeutic, you need hundreds of pounds of the plant material to create it. These oils are extremely concentrated and costly to make and they are the grade needed to reap their health benefits.


Grade B: Food Grade Essential Oils

Grade B essential oils are of a food grade. They contain pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, and fungicides. Only five percent of the oil has to be composed of essential oil to receive the label of being a pure essential oil.

Grade B essential oils are not safe for internal use. Although they may have the label of food grade, you should not assume this means they are appropriate for consumption or internal use. Rather, they are it is still a best practice to use these oils as an aromatherapy agent.

Grade C: Perfume Grade Essential Oils

Grade C essential oils are perfume grade and therefore, are used in perfumes. They contain alcohol, pesticides, and chemical solvents. Only five percent of the oil has to be composed of essential oil to receive the label of being a pure essential oil

Grade D: Floral Water

Grade D essential oil is floral water. They are of low quality and are a by-product of the distillation process.

Synergistic Oil Blends

Synergistic oil blends are a combination of healing oils that promote healing properties. You have the option of using them in baths and vaporizers.
